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Former Muslim to speak at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Manito

Hesham Shehab grew up in a world of bitter animosity between Muslims and Christians, which he experienced personally in a physical attack when only about 7. By age 13 he was recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood (Lebanese Chapter) and later fought against Christians in the 1975 war in Lebanon.

In 1980, while Hesham was going to the American University of Beirut, Lebanon (AUB), for premedical studies, his brother was killed by a Christian militia. Hesham’s response was to study by day, and by night take out his revenge in attacks on Christians. However, hearing the Sermon on the Mount, in a course of cultural studies (at that college), brought him to faith. Hesham found in Jesus Christ a way of forgiveness and reconciliation with God instead of hatred and revenge. Ultimately, the Lord led Hesham to the vocation of pastor.

In 2008, with the support of local churches, Rev. Shehab planted Salam Christian Fellowship, a mission to Muslims in the western suburbs of Chicago. This mission reaches out to refugees and new immigrants from eight Middle Eastern countries and shares the Gospel with Muslims in
three languages (Arabic, Farsi, and English).

Rev. Shehab has earned an MA in the History of the Arabs and Ph.D. studies in Islamic History. He has worked as a journalist at two Lebanese newspapers and adjunct professor at AUB.

Rev. Shehab will be the special guest of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in rural Manito, IL on August 25, 2019. He will conduct a special Sunday School hour and preach at the church service. He will answer questions about the Middle East, Political Islam, and Terrorism at a potluck after the service. Then He will make a special community-wide presentation that afternoon. St. Paul’s invites all members of the community to take advantage of this special opportunity.

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church is in the countryside about half-way between Forest City and Green Valley IL. Our street address is:
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church,
21819 N. Co. Rd. 3300E,
Manito, IL. 61546.

The schedule for the day will be:
9:00 AM Sunday School in the Parish Hall
10:00 AM Service in the main church building
NOON Potluck Dinner in the Parish Hall
1:00 PM Community-wide Presentation in the Parish Hall