Being a follower of Christ and from a Muslim background, I likely have a different perspective of how people are called to faith in Christ. I believe it was not “I” who made that decision; rather, it was Christ who dragged me by the scruff of my neck into salvation—in spite of myself. I also believe that when the seed of faith was planted in me, a flower of faith began to blossom, followed by the fruit of it. I have seen this to be true in every one I have encountered as a church pastor.
We remain sinners, though, whether we trust Jesus or not. And as sinners, the Holy Spirit soon convicts us of our need to repent, to “lose” our addiction to sin. We will also feel an emptiness in our hearts that can be filled only by Jesus.
I believe faith is a mystery and that every one hears the call of Christ with a different dynamic, yet all hear it when they hear the Word of God, the Gospel. This Word drags us like fish from a sea of sin and unbelief into a net of salvation.
As an evangelist, I keep casting my net while trusting God to bring in those fish. Through the years , I have observed that there are different blessings from God which bring individuals to their knees for the first time before the throne of Christ . My blessing was to have heard the command: LOVE YOUR ENEMIES.
Edited by Robert Schwarz